I always get so many comments asking why I’m so mad all the time haha but it’s just my focused face when I’m filming.. we actually have a lot of fun while filming and many silly moments. I figured I would show a little bit of that side too ☺️
i'm so happy to see your growth here on YT! I'm here since the beginning, and you rock in all videos! I love it, I use for everthing that wants focus on. Wish you and @mad the best and a lot of followers!
I love the blooper 😂 And such a good video, already watched it a few times, just so relaxing 😍 In a video a while back I saw a blue sponge thingy on a stick, could you maybe use this one in an upcoming video? It's so tingly for me, would really appreciate it! Keep up your fantastic work! 🫶🏽
This video was amazing, thank you Ivy. I have been unwell all week and have had average sleep due to that so relaxing to this video was exactly what i needed. Also, if Emily ever wants to start an ASMR channel I would subscribe immediately, her voice is so calming. Also, the blooper was hilarious. If you have more perhaps you could release a blooper compilation?
Can you do a video as a rheumatologist investigating autoimmune illnesses like lupus? May is lupus awareness month. I'm a lupus warrior and would love to see it discussed. ❤
emily is looking soooo stunning in this! she looks like daphne from bridgerton!! loved seeing a bit of the real ivy and emily in the beginning! love always, your biggest fan!! 💕
Now that WAS funny 😄ITS 👌IvyB it's happened to ME TOO at one time OR ANOTHER 🤣🤣.< REWIND> the beginning JUST to HER LAUGH and 😃 I know wasn't the ONLY ONE.
jajajajaja la reacción más humana posible durante un tratamiento es cerrar los ojos porqué es full incómodo tener que mirarle a la cara al médico o al dentista cuándo esta haciendo su trabajo ( al menos yo lo siento así jajjaja bien video )
Ivy B thanks for this video my weekend kind of sucked this new video and seeing your pretty face and big wide forehead made me feel at least slightly better so thank you. I love you ❤🫶💤😭❌⭕️❌⭕️
Let me know if you liked the blooper 😅😅 you can skip to 01:23 if you don’t want to watch it ❤
It was adorable 😅 I've done that before too
👍 the blooper WAS VERY NICE and funny 😅
It was so funny that I tried for more than a minute before I realized something was off haha
Did she call u a tart lol
I enjoy the blooper. Nothing wrong having fun 😊❤😍
Everyone just fell head over heels for you with that blooper. The smile and laugh. So so lovely.
I always get so many comments asking why I’m so mad all the time haha but it’s just my focused face when I’m filming.. we actually have a lot of fun while filming and many silly moments. I figured I would show a little bit of that side too ☺️
@@ivybasmr endlessly lovely
@@ivybasmr It's really nice to see you smile and laugh. You look so serious most of the time
Iré a ti donde estés en España.
That blooper was funny😂 I really enjoyed the humor 😁👍🏻
Glad you enjoyed it 😅😅
What did we do to deserve a 1hr vid 🙏🏻 thank you Ivy b
😂😂😂😂 the blooper at the beginning was hilarious
Omg! Haha I honestly couldn’t believe it haha
I was saying, “Ivy has the glove on backward,” was hilarious. Couldn’t stop laughing 😂😂
Hope you enjoy it!! 🤍 thanks for the support!
@@ivybasmrIvy I thank you! You’re the best! Welcome back Emily!!
This is soo freakin good and this is the only kind of doctor where I wanna go!!! Thanks IVY❤❤❤
Aww 🥰 thanks!
Clare xxxxx. Love Aran van Dijk.jones Salah Mohmaed
Very nice video! I really like Emily's voice and all the tools you are using.
i'm so happy to see your growth here on YT! I'm here since the beginning, and you rock in all videos! I love it, I use for everthing that wants focus on. Wish you and @mad the best and a lot of followers!
Thank you so much!! You’re so sweet 🤍🤍
I love the blooper 😂
And such a good video, already watched it a few times, just so relaxing 😍
In a video a while back I saw a blue sponge thingy on a stick, could you maybe use this one in an upcoming video? It's so tingly for me, would really appreciate it! Keep up your fantastic work! 🫶🏽
Nice touch with the blooper at the start 😆 love the scrubs! Great vid 😌
Your ASMR videos are the BEST out there!! But it was really fun to see bloopers too! 👏🏻😄 I like that you put it at the beginning too!
Yay Emily is backkkkkk🥰🥰
Love that you opened up with the glove mixup! 😂
Gracias por regalarnos ese momento divertido y natural ❤gran vídeo cómo siempre un trabajo impecable 😊
Ivy's smile
and her laugh my Goodness 😍
I loved the blooper 🤣🤣 it was so funny!!!
This video was amazing, thank you Ivy. I have been unwell all week and have had average sleep due to that so relaxing to this video was exactly what i needed. Also, if Emily ever wants to start an ASMR channel I would subscribe immediately, her voice is so calming. Also, the blooper was hilarious. If you have more perhaps you could release a blooper compilation?
I wish more showed bloopers, always love seeing bloopers from shows and movies
Emily is brilliant at asmr, should start a channel herself!
EMILY!!!!! 😳🥹🥰😍🥲💝💖💗💓💞💕❤️🔥❤️... THANK YOU IVY, THANK YOU 1 MILLION TIMES! ❤
Emily and Ivy together in perfect harmony 🤗👸👸
Thank you 🩷 So relaxing 🥰
OMG really loved this video ❤ The allergy test at the end 😍 Gives me so much tingling!!
Yaayyyy Emily is back!!!!!
Heard even the yawn someone was defiately relaxed 😂😂
Omg allergy tests are my favorite!
Fantastic Performance Ivy B
Lol the laugh at the end of the blooper got me lol
Still BEGGING for a nervoscope!! It will add so much to these videos!
I hear you but they’re so expensive 😫😫
We love you being you! Blooper was so cute and funny
I would actually love to see bloopers more cause I always think “there’s no way they keep a straight face through this whole thing”
Can you do a video as a rheumatologist investigating autoimmune illnesses like lupus? May is lupus awareness month. I'm a lupus warrior and would love to see it discussed. ❤
love the bloopers😂😂😂
Very relaxing! Magnificent ❤
emily is looking soooo stunning in this! she looks like daphne from bridgerton!! loved seeing a bit of the real ivy and emily in the beginning! love always, your biggest fan!! 💕
I was going to say! That or a Kiera Knightley vibe :) very regal energy I suppose? Like a princess 😮
I think she looks like Nancy from stranger things
Ivy B The Legend has come 2 help us relax & have sweet dreams 😊❤😍🥰😘🌹💓💗
Now that WAS funny 😄ITS 👌IvyB it's happened to ME TOO at one time OR ANOTHER 🤣🤣.< REWIND> the beginning JUST to HER LAUGH and 😃 I know wasn't the ONLY ONE.
Haha i honestly couldn’t stop laughing 😂
I loved this!
Wow I feel so good right now 😃😃😃
That was so cute. Glad you can laugh at the silly stuff. Thanks for sharing 😂
Glad you enjoyed it! ☺️
So different to see the smile and laugh. It was a nice surprise
I love this exam.
Need to book my appointment soon too...Any openings?
I'm from Brazil and I love it
That blooper 😂 she's so cute and pretty
This was pretty special ASMR 👍
Glad you enjoyed!
I hope you make a special behind-the-scenes episode
Emely, una de las mejores modelos que colaboran con Ivy, ojala se hicieran un video en español las 2
Necesito un video completo con solo bloopers jajajajajajajajaja
Me gusta ver cómo disfrutáis al principio del video con la anécdota del guante, resulta refrescante y divertido.
Un saludo y sigue asi
Yayyy ❤❤
This girl makes me want to walk out of a farm house in Georgia and say well I dooooo declare
I am sleeping 😴😴
More bloopers please 😅
El mejor Canal cuando uno en español de tronar la piel 😢
jajajajaja la reacción más humana posible durante un tratamiento es cerrar los ojos porqué es full incómodo tener que mirarle a la cara al médico o al dentista cuándo esta haciendo su trabajo ( al menos yo lo siento así jajjaja bien video )
5:42 emily is looking like a robot 🤖😂
Good to see u laugh ❤ beautiful
I recognise Emily from other asmr channels as well , is there somewhere you can sign up for them 'cause I'd love to be treated in an asmr.
March 2nd birthday gang 🤞🏻😭
I really like medical roleplays and yours are high quality. I'm so disapointed because to me, you speak way too loud.😢
21:11 I always think that looks painful. :(
Ivy B thanks for this video my weekend kind of sucked this new video and seeing your pretty face and big wide forehead made me feel at least slightly better so thank you. I love you ❤🫶💤😭❌⭕️❌⭕️
Bro how do i apply to be in one of the vids this looks mad fun
So is there. 2nd part?
Humor 🤣❤❤
The model /patient reminds me of Rory Gilmore
Lol 😆 🤣 😂 ❤❤❤
Im not a Dr but an itchy painful rash that comes back and forth sounds like herpes to me. Lol
I can't tell if this is a real doctor's appointment or not ... anyone know????
no it's not real tf 😭
toglie gli spiriti maligni 😂😂😂😂
😅I am 24 days older than Emily
Hello, make more vídeos on spanish plsss
My only hope is for you and in comments
Who is the patient
Ashley Rogers
@@theplaystationimmortal8805 how u know that
@@fakesteve4563 I’m surprised you don’t know who she is
@@theplaystationimmortal8805 me to
2 years before 911
Her birth date
wait did she she say her blood pressure was 100 over 20?? lol.
Is that what I said?? 👀 she wouldn’t be with us anymore haha
What’s actually happening inthese videos
Big feet